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Häufige Fehler, die bei der Verwendung eines Blutdruckmessgeräts zu vermeiden sind

2025-01-09 11:35:26
Häufige Fehler, die bei der Verwendung eines Blutdruckmessgeräts zu vermeiden sind

It is crucial not to make mistakes by using a blood pressure monitor, for the readings to be correct. we will learn several easy words and steps with which you can understand how to use a Digitale Blutdruckmessgeräte correctly made by our best brand, Hangzhou Huaan, recommended by most of the people. 

Check the Monitor

In order to begin using a blood pressure monitor, you need to ensure it is functioning properly. It known as calibration. Calibration is verifying that the monitor is indeed outputting the correct numbers. So if your monitor is not properly calibrated, the reading it shows you may be inaccurate, and be quite a problem. You should probably check your Manuelle Blutdruckmessgeräte once every 6 months or follow monitoring instruction provided by the manufacturer. Always carefully follow the steps they provide for calibrating your monitor. This will guarantee your reading is accurate every time you use it.

Put the Cuff on Right

The cuff is the most critical component of a blood pressure monitor. It is the piece that wraps your arm. And if the cuff  not placed properly, you could get incorrect readings, and that's not what you case. You need to apply the cuff toward the top of the arm. It should fit well — snugly, which means it should be tight enough that it doesn’t fall off, but not so tight that it hurts. If the cuff is too loose, the reading will be low, that is, it will display a number that’s not really what your blood pressure is. on the other hand, the cuff is too tight, the reading will be too high. To ensure that you get accurate readings, the cuff must be placed correctly on your arm each time you use it.

Wait After Eating or Drinking

Another common error individuals often commit is taking their blood pressure readings immediately after having eaten or drunk anything. Your blood pressure may also temporarily increase when you eat or drink. That’s why the best practice to wait at least 30 minutes after you’ve eaten or drunk anything before taking your blood pressure measurement. The wait means you more accurate with your reading. It also a good habit to try to measure your blood pressure at the same time every day. It is a great idea to do this first in the morning before you eat or drink anything, because that way you will have a very consistent time to check on your health.

Rest Before Measuring

Resting before measuring your blood pressure is extremely crucial. If you’ve recently been active (and by recent I mean within a few minutes, such as jogging, scrubbing climbing stairs), your blood pressure can be above the usual range. That is why it is so important to allow at least five minutes of downtime for you to sit there and relax before you take your Blutdruckmessgeräte. It allows your body to calm down, and gives you a fairer chance of getting an accurate reading. So, get comfortable, settle down, take a few deep breaths and allow your body to relax.

Stay Still and Quiet

Finally, when you are measuring your blood pressure, it is crucial not to speak or fidget. If you move or speak, this will raise your blood pressure and the measurements will not be correct. You need be very still and quiet while you are being read to. It’s a good idea to take three reading, waiting one minute between each. This will find the average of your blood pressure, so you will have better overall idea about your health.

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